Welcome To Traditional Okinawan Martial Arts Madison NJ
Do Good Karate and Have Fun.....Karate Doesn't Work, YOU Do.....

…Although I have taken so much out of my training and put it to use in my own life, if I had to single out one aspect that is most important to me, it would be the awareness that I learned at the dojo…Be aware of the moment. Caution. Anything can happen at any moment. Is this paranoia? No. It's awareness. Walk confident and be aware. That alone will fend off most attacks. This is what I learned from karate…

Edward R. / NJ Police Detective

...Karate is not just something I practice on the floor in our Dojo but a manner of thinking that I try to apply to my everyday life. Our Dojo has provided me with a network of supportive, caring people who challenge me to better myself and show me how to do that…

Kelly Baitinger, NYU Graduate Student, Research Assistant, Institute for the Study of Child Development

...As students at TOMA, my children are not only learning self defense, but the instructors are reinforcing the values that I am teaching my children to be the best they can be, and the skills necessary to become caring, productive, responsible adults. They are learning self confidence and discipline, as well as skills to cope with obstacles they might encounter as they grow up…I have never met a group of people with more honesty or integrity...

Leah Lyons--Parent

…Dedicated and professional, it has been my experience that the T.O.M.A. instructors give wholly to the pursuit of excellence in everything they do…they’ve helped my children with their confidence, discipline, and morale by providing positive feedback that is both nurturing and goal-oriented…. The challenge of physical and mental conditioning has been a positive outlet from stress and my day to day routine. I have become more positive about who I am, and with what I do…

Richard Lyons Sr.
Systems Engineer, Bloomberg Media, NYC

A simple observer would not be aware of the three principles underlying our training: right action, courage to overcome adversity, and benevolence…In teaching these principles to students and in constantly reminding ourselves of their importance, we provide all our students with the necessary tools to lead an honorable life….I only hope that I have had the opportunity to impact your life as positively as your training and our dojo has impacted upon mine.

Edward Walsh

I have to admit the kind of professionalism and attitude that you guys have with Martial Arts and teaching it is very rare…I have not trained at TOMA for few years now but the impact that you gentlemen have left on me was a great one…Unlike some who merely teach people how to punch and kick you gentlemen have earned the right to be called Sensei. I just want to thank you all for showing me what it means... You truly have to earn the right to hear it, say it, and be called it!!!

Nick M.--Former Student

Thank you so much for your love and care for my Matthew. He has come to love all of you so much and has become much more confident because of your support and influence.

Mrs Monaghan--Parent

...there is a true family feeling at the Dojo. Parents are greeted and welcome to stay and watch their child’s class. The instructors are eager to get to know their students, not just as students, but as “family members”…

Jocelyn B. Spelker, parent of two students

No Better Way to Spend Your Time!

Traditional Okinawan Martial Arts is a very special place. It is special because the Sensei, the instructors, and the karate students make it that way. As a student here for two years, I have greatly benefited from my time spent learning from such an experienced staff. I have also made many new friends in my fellow students. If you value character, respect, and service; not to mention the ability to defend yourself, this is the BEST place for you!

-Jim M

One of the Best Decisions I Have Ever Made.

I have been studying at T.O.M.A for about two years now, and I can honestly say that walking through those doors was one of the best and most rewarding decisions I have ever made. In the time I have been training I have grown tremendously as a person, and I have developed a multitude of skills that have proved invaluable in my everyday life. Our head instructor is passionate, dedicated, and exceedingly knowledgeable, and all of the instructors are excellent teachers and exceptional individuals. I would highly recommend T.O.M.A to anyone looking to study a martial art. It has truly enriched my life, as I am sure it will yours.

- Sara M.

A Great Place To Learn Martial Arts and About Yourself 

I have been studying karate at Traditional Okinawan Martial Arts(T.O.M.A.) for over two years now. The people I have met and the instructors have helped me change my life in so many ways. This is a place with very special people who love what they do what they love very well! T.O.M.A. has given me the self discipline and self esteem I have always wanted. I am challenged every time I get on the Dojo floor to push myself harder not only psychically but mentally and spiritually. T.O.M.A is the place to learn good karate and have fun at the same time! Anyone can learn and the instructors will work with everyone who wants to learn. I would recommend Traditional Okinawan Martial Arts to anyone who wants to learn in a very welcoming group of people =)

-Nichola L.

A Special Place to Study Karate

I have been a student at TRADITIONAL OKINAWAN MARTIAL ARTS for three years and my life has changed dramatically since I began studying there. The head teacher and all the instructors are experienced, caring, and committed. This is a place where students of all ages can find a supportive atmosphere and develop confidence as they study karate. I highly recommend it!

Carol S

Traditional Okinawan Martial Arts is a rare find

Traditional Okinawan Martial Arts has a friendly teaching staff and a dedicated student body. The head instructor takes special interest in each student. If you have had previous experience or have just begun to think about training, go here first. You wont be sorry.

-By Christopher M.

Greatest place to learn karate

Traditional Okinawan Martial Arts is the BEST place for myself and my children. We have learned so much and the head teacher and all the instructors are so supportive and friendly. I have recommended this DOJO to friends, family, and will continue to do this for years to come. It is a great way to teach children focus, discipline, as well as martial arts for self defense. Come down and give it a try. You wil really enjoy it and become part of another family!

-Caroline W.